network camera

16 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi guys ! just wondering if any of you have/or know anything about network camera ? I've got this panasonic BL-C30 , its works no problem infact its a brillient little camera (depending on a good broadbank connection) its connected to my netgear DG834Gv3 (AOL standard fare) I set it up with the setup wizard so nothing to do, port forwarding is all automatic etc SSID is fine, signal strength is good, and it works great BUT when I get up in the morning its turned off, its still working on my System but not available over the WWW, its easy to restart, just press the restart button but I don't wont to have to, I think its the router, maybe the UPnP Advertisement Period or Advertisement Time To Live ? anyway I'll keep pressing the buttons til I find the right one but thought maybe you could save me the torment!!
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Is it the camera or the router that you're having to reset Richard?
What are you using to establish the Internet presence of your camera? Do you use a static ip address or some kind of dynamic client?
Softus, not a reset but restart on the software, not sure if that goes to the camera or router but suspect camera, it was still active at midnight last night but I came down to check again at 2am and it was off, I wonder if it turns off due to inactivity.
Igorian, its Panasonic's free DynamicDNS (DDNS) service, It has occured to me that its not working but surely the ip address dosnt change at the same time everyday?
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Sorry to be lazy, but how is the camera attached?

If to the PC, and if via USB, is the device configured to be "powered off when no activity is detected"?
Its connected wirelessly to the router, no not set to power off when no activity is detected.
get out of bed you lazy bug-ger!
Richardp said:
Softus, not a reset but restart on the software, not sure if that goes to the camera or router but suspect camera, it was still active at midnight last night but I came down to check again at 2am and it was off, I wonder if it turns off due to inactivity.
Igorian, its Panasonic's free DynamicDNS (DDNS) service, It has occured to me that its not working but surely the ip address dosnt change at the same time everyday?

It's possible. Your router should also have a dynamic dns client built in, so you could uninstall the software version.

Have you assigned a static ip address to the host PC?

Have you checked that the client is working?

Can you ALWAYS access the camera using it's local ip address without doing a power cycle?

When you restart the software, does this include the dyndns client?
The router does have a Dynamic DNS Service but its not turn on.
no static ip address to the host PC, well there is no host pc as the camera has a built in server?.
Yep! the client is working, say's active.
Yes i can always access the camera using it's local ip address without doing a power cycle.
and yes when I restart the software,this does include the dyndns client.
but I'm going to go through the whole system again just in case.
one morning it was still on so we can't be far off, I wonder if I should check with my service provider to see if its them.
I take it you are on AOL? Just out of interest, if you power off/on the router does this cause the same problem? What is the address of the website (so we can all be nosey)?
I've noticed strange things happening lately, roughly at the same time every night my MSN signs itself out.
Sorry, I misread the post. Does the camera have a static ip?

It does sound like your public ip address is changing. It can take a while for the client to update the address and then a bit longer for that ipaddress to be replicated. I would advise using the router DDNS and forwarding the port from there.

AOL also does some strange VPN thing when you use their software.
hey Rich ...

Are you OK ?

what happened to *YOU* over gen board, was worried about you ? ,

hope your missus an family are well/brill ????....................
an yourself , of course :)

Sorry to be lazy, but how is the camera attached?

If to the PC, and if via USB
Yep! Igorian, it seems your right about them AOL bug-gers, I spoke to them last night and they don't support it, so just means that I have to restart it every morning, not a hardship but no good when I'm away from home, I've got a account in my studio, maybe try that when I have more time to prat around with it. thanks for your time guys.

Spark, I'll put the address on here when I get it setup later.

Moz! you old pirate! all's good, must catch up sometime, soon.
Richardp said:
Yep! Igorian, it seems your right about them AOL bug-gers, I spoke to them last night and they don't support it, so just means that I have to restart it every morning, not a hardship but no good when I'm away from home, I've got a account in my studio, maybe try that when I have more time to prat around with it. thanks for your time guys.

Spark, I'll put the address on here when I get it setup later.

Moz! you old pirate! all's good, must catch up sometime, soon.

It would probably be ok if you used the router and ditched the AOL software.
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