New booze laws

22 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
This mornings news reported that 600 top judges are against the new laws on the grounds that more violent crime will take place, the police are against it and many councils. Yet the government are determined to push the laws through. Who do they listen to when they do their consulatations; must the the 16-25 year olds in the pubs. Come on Tony wake up and smell the coffee, for f' sake. What are you trying to do to OUR country :evil:
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Ignoring the loutish side. It would be nice to drink without watching the clock. Maybe when the law has been in operation for a while things will settle down.
This is change for the better not change for the sake of change, Im ancient & I welcome it.
Speaking personally, I need someone to ring a bell at 11 o'clock and tell me to go home, seeing as I don't seem to be able to determine it for myself (short of running out of money).
HMG - Plonkers ! Not a streetwise one of 'em.
All rushing to complete the most improbable projects to remain as 'apples' in Tone the President's eye ... His hand is in all of it !! Tonio, 'Jack of all trades master of none' ! Not even his own - law - 'Deportation' my ar se he knew that would not happen .. So who are the racists now then?
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I reckon there will be an adjustment period, but after people get used to it they will head home in their own time. Few people will drink until whatever time the pub chooses to close. After 1am most people start to get bored, I have noticed.

A better solution would be turning a blind eye to lock-ins. I've been to loads, and there is always a great atmosphere. Everyone is doing something a little naughty, it adds to the fun and the excitement.

They could turn a blind eye, but pubs where there are too many problems get the licence taken away, and rowdy drinkers should get a curfew.

Just so long as the UK doesn't turn into Falaraki then I'm happy.
Slogger said:
just cos most of you are too old to enjoy a long night out dont try to hold the rest back

See there you go again, get that knee down boy! :rolleyes:

The problems is nothing to do with living in a nany state and having a drink when you wish to. It's the problem of the probable increase in alcohol fueled violence, rape and other crimes such as vandalism etc.

A majority of youngster don't seem to have the self control to know when they have had enough drink, they just keep going until they drop down, or get kicked down. It's seems to be a unique cultural thing that is reserved for us brits. The danger is its you they kick when they have had a skin full. I can only summise that you live in a rural area and have never been involved in or seen first hands the fights because of drink in our city centres.

Then there are the added costs to the nhs etc. It's your taxes that are going to pay for all the extra burden on the health service and the judicial system, repairs to damage to public property.

And yes AdamW they think that parts of the UK could end up like Falaraki. I wouldn't want that on my doorstep. :eek:
Then there are the added costs to the nhs etc. It's your taxes that are going to pay for all the extra burden on the health service and the judicial system, repairs to damage to public property.
Then there is the additional income to the government, NI, tax, vat, employment. Its not easy to do financial calculations. What we want is to do what we want when we want, AND AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE, I think that will be the main problem. People drink etc in towns & then make there way home past residential areas WITHOUT consideration.