Yes, it's a stand alone shed and I meant internal facing walls. The builder will plaster render (Render outside, plaster inside.) outside of the wall. I'm worried about dampness that could damage the walls. Here is the brief work he laid out.
4. built with medium density blocks 4" single wall.
These will be hollow blocks, not solid.
5. Front and back wall to be rendered painted white
This is the external face. He is going to render! The render and paint will waterproof the wall. What about the other two walls?
6. Inner stud walls to built with 3x2 timber and plaster board skimmed on top
An unnecessary expense for a shed? He is going to plaster the internal face! That's the skim. You might as well have insulation between the wall and boards, if you're intending to board and skim. Don't forget a dpm, but the boards might provide this. The additional cost is minimal, especially at this stage. To add it later will mean removing all that plaster board, etc. BUT why for a shed? (If it's a workshop/home-office, what ever, it makes sense and doesn't affect any regulations, etc.) Especially without insulation in the ceiling. And if you're going that far, don't forget the floor.
You can (add DPM) insulate, screed the floor, then add the tiles. (assuming concrete floor exists.) Walls and floor can be insulated now, ceiling added later. (You might recoup part of the cost by being able to reduce the quality of the floor tiles)
Plaster board and skim available for your finish, eg paint, wallpaper, whatever.
7. Basic internal door to be supplied fitted door
8. 2 upvc single door
Why two (or three) doors? An internal door is useless for a shed. It won't last long, and it won't have any weather resistance or thermal quality.
15. Inner walls will not be painted
Normal practice, left for you to decorate, or employ a decorator, but for a shed?
16. Floor to be tiled client to supply material
A bit OTT for a shed. You need to ensure the tiles are an exterior quality, to withstand freezing. Seek advice on tiles, adhesive and grout. DPM (or more likely lack of it) may have serious affect.
BTW, adding dpm, insulation and screed to floor could be £1000 extra cost. Perhaps a little more.