New dole measures..



To save money, the Government have decided to move payments to unemployed people, so that payment days fall on a weekend, thus the Goverrnment gains more interest in the account, before paying out..and the recipient has to wait longer for their payment.

I complained, and as I had to sign on Monday, and Wednesday, I was in and out in a flash.

The dole school, don't have any idea what's gonna happen.
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Micky, there are very few people who wanna hear about the pitying woes of the work shy. Infact it infuriates me that you complain about such trivial things considering everything you get handed to you on a silver platter. Feel free to check my spelling and grammar and highlight and areas, it will appease me no end.
in the present system most people need to "sign on" every 2 weeks with different groups having different days
payment happens 2 working days later as in mon =thurs tues= friday wed= monday etc

what you are suggesting means alterering the whole system at a cost off probably millions to gain 2 days interest assuming your talking 5% annual your talking around 180th of 5% or 0.03 or 1pence for every £300
To save money, the Government have decided to move payments to unemployed people, so that payment days fall on a weekend, thus the Goverrnment gains more interest in the account, before paying out..and the recipient has to wait longer for their payment.
This is harmless, what do you suggest when Government got to find money to pay off Labour debt, we are all suffering, would you rather they cut the dole payments?
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what do you suggest when Government got to find money to pay off Labour debt, we are all suffering, would you rather they cut the dole payments?
They don't have to though, at least not to the extent that they are.

Think about it. Debt is only a problem if you can't afford the repayments. I bet when you were 14 doing your paper round, owing a tenner seemed like a fortune. Now your mortgage repayments are just another monthly outgoing...

The national debt is bound to go up on average, year on year. It has to. Inflation will see to that. But on the flip side, so does national wealth.
In fact national wealth (in 2009) outstripped national debt by a ratio of 6:1, up from 4:1 ten years earlier. Not so bad really...

There are many economists out there who are convinced it's Dangerous Dave's and Gideon's austerity measures which plunged the country back into economic decline according to the latest figures.
They don't have to though, at least not to the extent that they are

To what extent are they paying off the debt?
Afaik they can't pay off the interest on the debt never mind lower the actual debt mountain racked up by nu labour.

In Ireland from what I've heard today from a builder, nama (group who buy up toxic debts) are considering demolishing some of the newly built housing developments (now more commonly known as ghost towns) and turning them back into farmland.
I know one in Baillebourogh. About sixty houses completed 5 years ago. Theres a couple of them with people living in them today, whether they purchased them or are just squatting I don't know.

Can you imagine a situation like that happening in the UK?
cutting back so much all at once will be a disaster throwing us into the biggest recession in living memmory

unemployment will rise by say 1.5 million with every body being wary off spending they will save little if any money by the time redundancy and unemployment on top off the lost taxes
If the dole bludgers don't like it let them get a fekin job! Micky you are one hell of a worthless whinging scum chav. :evil:
They don't have to though, at least not to the extent that they are

To what extent are they paying off the debt?
Afaik they can't pay off the interest on the debt never mind lower the actual debt mountain racked up by nu labour.

In Ireland from what I've heard today from a builder, nama (group who buy up toxic debts) are considering demolishing some of the newly built housing developments (now more commonly known as ghost towns) and turning them back into farmland.
I know one in Baillebourogh. About sixty houses completed 5 years ago. Theres a couple of them with people living in them today, whether they purchased them or are just squatting I don't know.

Can you imagine a situation like that happening in the UK?

Understand what your saying, but it created work, just like the quangoes and the london Dome
the recipient has to wait longer for their payment.
If you get paid on the same day every week (it doesn't matter what day), then you wait the same amount of time every week.

That is the point that I'm making, and everyone seems to have missed it; If the Government stagger payments, so instead of getting paid 3 days after signing on, you get sign on later in the week, then you don't get paid 3 days later, due to the weekend. So the Government stores that money in their bank account, accruing interest for an extra day or two. Plus I have to wait longer to be paid.

On a forum called DIYnot, I'd expect people to be wanting to save money, not continually bang on about their trades making money, and diss the unemployed, that remember are unemployed because of no reason of their own, but makes ends meet, as best they can, ie DIY.

I admit that I know some scumbags taking advantage while being unemployed, but don't tarnish the brush, it can equally be said that all tradesmen are con artists. There are some good tradesmen, but there are a lot of TV programmes on, that prove otherwise, so get off my back, wind your neck in, and support people that have a problem, that doesn't include you atm, but could at a moments notice.

To those that diss the unemployed, you must have rich parents, and not live in the real world. Do you get an employee to transcribe your words, as you certainly don't live in the real world of poverty.
the recipient has to wait longer for their payment.
If you get paid on the same day every week (it doesn't matter what day), then you wait the same amount of time every week.

That is the point that I'm making, and everyone seems to have missed it; If the Government stagger payments, so instead of getting paid 3 days after signing on, you get sign on later in the week, then you don't get paid 3 days later, due to the weekend. So the Government stores that money in their bank account, accruing interest for an extra day or two. Plus I have to wait longer to be paid.

But you don't have to wait longer. If you sign on on friday and get paid on monday, you get paid on monday. Then you get paid monday two weeks later. And monday two weeks after that.
If everyone signs Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, then they miss a day or two, if you sign on a Friday, you get paid Wednesday.

If you sign on Friday, you get paid Wednesday or Thursday..
I can see the point Mickey is making though. It's a bit like paying a cheque into your own bank account. The bank won't clear the funds for 3-5 days. What do you think happens to that money meanwhile?
I'll tell you,,,, The bank transfer the money into a holding account, then pay it into your bank account 3-5 days later. The bank get interest on whatever amount you paid into the bank, albeit for a very short period. When you consider that banks are making multi, million pound transactions into this holding account on a daily basis, then the interest they make adds up.
In this technological age we live in, there's no reason whatsoever for banks not clearing any cheque overnight.
The Bank Action Clearing System works 24 hrs a day. The banks computer systems work 24 hrs a day, yet they still take ages to clear cheques. Building Societies are even worse for clearing cheques. Even if you have your wages paid directly using BACS, building societies still take 2 extra days till the money is in your account electronically.
Even the last government asked the banks and building societies why this should be, and the banks couldn't come up with anything like a reasonable excuse.
Micky, you have said that to you it is not worth you getting a job as the government take away all of your free stuff, so the reason you dont work is because it doesn't suit you. You are quite happy to take money from a system which is costing the country.

Would all hard working forum members spare a thought for Micky when they are in a hospital A&E waiting room for hours on end as there is less money in the NHS that there could be because of Micky. The same when you are filling your vehicle up with fuel and paying 60% tax on it so Micky doesn't need to work, and when your wage slip arrives and 22% (or more) is missing so Micky doesn't have to work, or when you do your self assessment and have to pay a big lump sum, so Micky doesn't have to work.

There are shows on TV, and you'd know, about the likes of you, namely Jeremy Kyle, Trisha, Jerry Springer and so on. The nations idiots getting into childish and stupic situations because they have too much time on their hands. To make all of this worse, what kind of example are these people setting to the children.

Ask a DIY question Micky, I will answer it if I can, come on here trolling about your slight inconveniences at having your life paid for by me and I will not be so happy. You treat this forum as you treat life, just take take take and cause trouble. No real benefit to anyone. Your right btw Micky, you do have a problem, you take too much and complain about it - wind your own neck in. In addition I dont know of one inctance on here when I have banged on about how much I earn, firstly it's a private matter and secondly, after recently completing my tax return for the last you, it is not very much, not compared to this financial year or any previous ones, still as bad as it was I have not complained on here once, although Micky, perhaps you could help me out as I knwo for a fact you took home alot more than me last financial year. Coupled with mortgage payments and a new born baby I was in a bit of a pickle. One thing I did do was to use saved money to keep me afloat, I did any amount of jobs which other tradespeople didn't want and now it has paid off. What I didn't do is scrounge off the state due to my own misfortunes.

Have a think if everyone like you actually did a job ( it doesn't matter what job, as long as you earn money, never mind your qualifications as they may or may not be worth anything to society also) what state our economy would be in, if everyone was contributing a little.

There are so many reasons why the total of received benefits per person should be the same or less than a 35 hour work week at minimum wage and why that should only be available to someone for upto 6 months and only after 6 years work.
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