Do i attach joist hangers into the chimney stack or do i trim and go around them?
i will be spanning the joists into the party wall and off a spine wall. Span is about 4m's. i have a chimney breast in the way and it is 135cm wide. Can i hang 3 joist hangers off here or do i double up the joists at both sides of the chinmey breast and run joists between these 2 doubled up joists ? if i do this should the joists between the doubled up joists be also douubled up themselves?
i will be spanning the joists into the party wall and off a spine wall. Span is about 4m's. i have a chimney breast in the way and it is 135cm wide. Can i hang 3 joist hangers off here or do i double up the joists at both sides of the chinmey breast and run joists between these 2 doubled up joists ? if i do this should the joists between the doubled up joists be also douubled up themselves?