New Lamp Posts Everwhere since Covid ???

17 Apr 2009
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United Kingdom
Is it just my imagination or have roads and pavements in the last few years become pegged with millions of new lampposts ... there is for instance a stretch near rottingdean where you could drive with a sea view now grey pegs along the length, same in many other roads of all sorts.
Arrived when the new cycle lanes were erected and the 5G was put up.
They are very tall I assume its something to do with cycle lanes "safety" and protecting the carbon molecules and other campaigns?
Just my imagination ???
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Is it just my imagination or have roads and pavements in the last few years become pegged with millions of new lampposts ... there is for instance a stretch near rottingdean where you could drive with a sea view now grey pegs along the length, same in many other roads of all sorts.
Arrived when the new cycle lanes were erected and the 5G was put up.
They are very tall I assume its something to do with cycle lanes "safety" and protecting the carbon molecules and other campaigns?
Just my imagination ???
Need to put the spy cams somewhere.
Fat or thin lamp posts?

If Fat then they are most likely 5G masts; if Thin then actual lamp posts.
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There is of course the current scourge of BRSK, putting up poles wherever they like so that they can supply FTTH everywhere.
A lot are complaining about them in my area.
we lost a load about 10 years ago then they totally replaced over 60,000 lampost for new white light ones ,
they are now spending more money to change them all to led lights
Led conversions yes, but more? Not in my area. Anything to do with better lighting = safer streets?
I note ours switch off late at night, not seen them switch off, and seen no warning signs, but I would have thought they would need to dim first so as not to plunge walkers into darkness?
In my district, LED streetlighting was installed, and af first visibility was very good. They turned the light down to half power about 1am in residential streets.

Now they run af half power, which is too dim, and turn them completely off at 1am. You need a good torch.

More people get porch and path lights now.
Well as they say the more lighting switch on, the more of the climate you can save.
That's why all the cars have their lights on in the daytime in the bright sunshine.
Progress will save us ....
Well as they say the more lighting switch on, the more of the climate you can save.
That's why all the cars have their lights on in the daytime in the bright sunshine.
Progress will save us ....
Thats 1 way of getting different things mixed up
5g, CCTV, new cycle routes, wind turbines .... Brighton is starting to look like a sea of grey poles ....
Looks quite different to me
LED conversion, Higher in some cases to improve the light spread and try and make it more even.

"White" led lighting. Not sure if any is left in side streets around me. Not very efficient as our eyes aren't very sensitive to the blue they use so levels need to be high.

The tall orange light types. Colour rendition not that good. It was the same with sodium. Those have been turned down a bit around me. I prefer it, my headlights are more effective. People are more apparent what ever colour they are wearing. Walking around - no one has noticed the drop. I'd say they could be dimmed further and people still wouldn't notice.

How did it all start, side road with houses. The lot used to go off at some time or the other.Then cheaper electricity was offered as off peak. First step leave them on all night at junctions. Later leave the lot on.

Long runs of lights on main roads - people complained about driving into a black hole when the lighting ended.

Someone who lived in an area where the lights went off - they would soon realise that it doesn't need much moonlight. Moonless nights - not much fun.

LED lighting - 4 colour versions around to help with colour rendition. Blue probably still a problem.
Thank goodness for more lamp posts! Woof!
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