New shower drain running v.slowly

25 May 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone

I wonder if someone can help me with a newly installed shower tray & drain setup thats not working anywhere near fast enough.

We were only retiling the bathroom but accidentally cracked the shower tray so replaced it with a new one - which wouldn't you know it the only one we could get locally quickly had the hole in a different place and a different sized one at that so we needed a new drainage setup.

If you look at the first picture I've marked on it in green roughly where the old pipework went (the red line shows where we cut the original pipe). In the shower the green line should be a few more inches to the right and I can't recall whether the shower drain went directly into the ubend or turned into it - but you get the general idea.

Behind the unit is guesswork but I suspect it exits into the same drain as the toilet (just off the left of the picture), I suspect it also shares the same pipe as the sink but again thats guesswork on my part.

The old setup was also 37/38mm grey pipe which only went into 40mm white pipe at the ubend.

This picture shows the setup as it is currently. Before we hooked it all up to the shower trap we checked the pipe was clear and could run plenty of water down it ok.

However with it all hooked up it just doesn't drain anywhere near fast enough. I can tweak the overall height of the grey pipe, and the height at either end but generally somewhere around where it is now offers the "best" flow - however it still takes less than minute to fill the shower tray.

You can see from the picture that there is drop so what else could it be? Ths sink and toilet drain fine, and the old installation worked fine too. When its draining you can hear a trickle of water through the pipes and into the main drain if that helps.

Could it be the 180deg turn into the grey pipe? Or the fact this is slightly higher than the old tray used to be? How about fitting a hepv0 or antivac instead - would that help?

Obviously I'd prefer to not remove and resite the trays hole if possible but getting in to do anything major could be very tricky otherwise.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks
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If your shower has a particularly high flow rate then the waste may simply not be adequate. Is it a high flow waste?
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If your shower has a particularly high flow rate then the waste may simply not be adequate. Is it a high flow waste?

Its the same shower unit as before and the drain coped then...

However as a quick test I took the white bits off and poured water directly into the grey pipe (more water and for longer than my previous test) which drained for so long but then backed up so I'm now thinking it could be a blockage much further down the pipe. I'm ordering a snake and see if that'll find anything...

Thanks for the responses, I'll post back if/when I know more!


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