Purchase a new toilet and installing it but having issues with cistern not level. I’ve levelled the base as floor was out of level but the cistern is not level to the toilet. This only bolts on with two bolts (1 either side) and has a rubber washer in between the cistern and pan on the bolts and in the middle. There are no gaps where it is bolted on so unsure as to why it is vastly out of square, is this just a dodgy toilet? How do o square it up whilst ensuring it’s sealed correctly? Pics below
Purchase a new toilet and installing it but having issues with cistern not level. I’ve levelled the base as floor was out of level but the cistern is not level to the toilet. This only bolts on with two bolts (1 either side) and has a rubber washer in between the cistern and pan on the bolts and in the middle. There are no gaps where it is bolted on so unsure as to why it is vastly out of square, is this just a dodgy toilet? How do o square it up whilst ensuring it’s sealed correctly? Pics below