New year's resolutions...

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Balls to them the dont work

I have tried to give up tabbing loads at new years and failed

so this year my resolution is to smoke more, thats the one I want to fail at

Nice one!

Mine is to lose weight.

I had a bath last night &, as is the way when you get in the water, the phone rings, or in my case, the doorbell went. I went downstairs only to find Greenpeace on my doorstep demanding access....

Mrs Secure & I are thinking of Herbalife. Anybody used them?
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In the new year I'm not drinking any more.

I'm not drinking any less either ;)
Mine is to lose weight and drink less which I hope will help me lose the weight, I'm going to try to have more sex and get out walking more, be nicer to people, maybe have sex with them.
Men, women - or aren't you bothered? :LOL:
Mine is to lose weight and drink less which I hope will help me lose the weight, I'm going to try to have more sex and get out walking more, be nicer to people, maybe have sex with them.

Just walk to a pub that's a few miles further away from home. Staggering is great exercise ;)

My new years resolution is to spend less time on DIYnot and more time doing actual DIY.
Mine is to lose weight and drink less which I hope will help me lose the weight, I'm going to try to have more sex and get out walking more, be nicer to people, maybe have sex with them.

Just walk to a pub that's a few miles further away from home. Staggering is great exercise ;)

But then you walk past more kebab shops on the way home :LOL:
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