


On other fora that I have frequented, we occasionally got into calling each other by nicknames, instead of typing out full login-names.

I know I've done a big "flash in the pan" number of posts over the last couple of days, which will soon subside, but I was keen to get to know a few people quickly. Although you may think I'm trying to run before I can even totter on here, have any of you old hands got any nicknames that you like to be known by?
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I know one likes to be called "Imam" ;) not sure about any of the others. Me, you can call what you like :LOL:
I know one likes to be called "Imam" ;) not sure about any of the others. Me, you can call what you like :LOL:
I get it. If it were up to me, I think I'd call him Al. My reasoning is that the "mama" part of his name reminds me of an Al Jolson song.

As for you, I think I'd call you St (as in St Peter rock from the "stone" part of your name).
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i see alot of people on the road that i don't recognise they call me w***er
so you might as well.
I know one likes to be called "Imam" ;) not sure about any of the others. Me, you can call what you like :LOL:

err excuse me..not true..... to say i'm not keen on that nickname is a bit of an understatement!... Dexyboy did me a disservice on that!.. :evil:
Good point. In which case I'd better stick with his personal preference of imam then. Good, that's him sorted then. Thanks, st
I know one likes to be called "Imam" ;) not sure about any of the others. Me, you can call what you like :LOL:
I get it. If it were up to me, I think I'd call him Al. My reasoning is that the "mama" part of his name reminds me of an Al Jolson song.

As for you, I think I'd call you St (as in St Peter rock from the "stone" part of your name).

What the F are you on about? :rolleyes:
i think our newbie has adopted many of the finer characteristics of a now disgraced poster. I propose he shall be nicknamed 'Dex' in honour of the dear departed.
all in favour say 'b*ll*x'
i think our newbie has adopted many of the finer characteristics of a now disgraced poster. I propose he shall be nicknamed 'Dex' in honour of the dear departed.
all in favour say 'b*ll*x'
Touched as I am, it may well come unto pass that this chap gets a reprieve and would not like me stealing his credentials. Quite apart from that, if the gentlefolk who run this site get a bit confused, they may well banish me in a moment of error over my identity.
i'd say you're touched, shipmate. now, it's your turn for the 'golden rivet'
i see alot of people on the road that i don't recognise they call me w***er
so you might as well.
On the contrary, having seen you in action on the plumbing forum as a prediction master, I'd be more inclined to name you "meg" (from the famous Mystic Meg of some reknown)
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