'No case' for going back into EU, says Starmer

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oh dear... there will be a few upset on here over that.

there is zero chance of rejoining in the next parliament term

So Keir Starmer is just reinforcing what is reality so brexit supporters in key marginals wont be concerned about voting Labour

I have no idea why you think anybody will be upset on here, its hardly news the fact the UK will have to continue suffering economic sanctions on itself
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The ship has sailed, whether folk want to admit it or not.
Certainly for the foreseeable but it is not a static position

The UK will rebuild a much closer relationship with the EU

if Labour win, they will be renegotiating the TCA in 2026..........which will be very different with a pro EU government doing the negotiating
So Keir Starmer is just reinforcing what is reality so brexit supporters in key marginals wont be concerned about voting Labour
Really. Who knows. The term he has used is make brexit work. He has talked with at least one EU leader.
What it may mean is a case of wait and see. Any changes of any sort would need to be negotiated.

We still are in some EU deals. Aircraft wings are of no use without the rest of the aircraft. LOL And actually some of the bits in the wings. There are also some projects.

Do semething like Concord on our own. It wouldn't have come into existence. Eurofighter, another.
Frankly I think there is near zero chance of us ever joining again even at the Norway level. Many years might prove me wrong.
Silly arses wont see this but in some areas such as defence equipment it makes sense to chip in. There are others as well.
not rejoining EU now that could be a vote winner far better idea than the national service one . might get my vote
Things just keep getting better for Labour.
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