Noisy chimney cowls

8 Jun 2013
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United Kingdom
I've had some chimney cowls fitted a couple of days ago. They are small metal, mushroom shaped things. Added to stop the rain coming in to my recently decommissioned fireplaces.
However, with the wind they are extremely noisy. It literally sounds like thunder or a helicopter passing. Yes we've having some strong winds at the moment but it is pretty constant and VERY loud.
Any ideas on an alternative suggestions please?
I don't have a pic to hand at the mo but will get one when I can.
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Any ideas on an alternative suggestions please?
The clay mushroom cowls as above are meant to be inserted into existing chimney pots. Do you have pots?
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There are various metal Colt cowls that are cheaper and can be securely fixed.
The clay mushrooms will last far longer than any metal cowl.
Second hand mushrooms are available & much cheaper?
As per nose all image , elephants foot cowl we call them .
What area are you ?
I'm Gloucestershire.
I am going to try Roofbase first as suggested by my roofer and see what they can offer. The problem is that I don't know what size I need. By buying locally I can hopefully buy all variations and then take back what I don't need.
Thanks again though so far, for your offer.

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