Now that's HOT!

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OK I'm no expert on quantum chromodynamics but this caught my eye straight away:

He admits that he is guessing and says, "In physics quite often these dimensionless constants turn out to be 1."

Strange then that the oldest physical constant known to man is 3.14159 --- !!!
felix said:
OK I'm no expert on quantum chromodynamics but this caught my eye straight away:

He admits that he is guessing and says, "In physics quite often these dimensionless constants turn out to be 1."

Strange then that the oldest physical constant known to man is 3.14159 --- !!!
correct me if i'm wrong but the above constant is Pi? and refers to circles/dimensions?..... where the above talked of dimensionless constants ;)
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Panjandrum said:
Pi IS a dimensionless constant.
It WAS a joke hence the ;) but in saying that i was guessing as i wouldn't have a clue what dimension was what anyway not being a clever git.
This is hhot !

About to get really hot !!

no, hotter than that.

Only, if its just half a dozen atoms the amount of energy would be so tiny you might not even feel it?
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