nuisance calls

11 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
hi , any of you plagued with nuisance calls? i am esp those computer generated ones does anyone know if there is a free service available rather than give BT my money.. thanks
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I started getting nuisance calls at work last week, one day I got about six, so I phoned the line provider to ask what they could do. I was told to call the police and report it, get a crime number and call them back!!!
poshman said:
hi , any of you plagued with nuisance calls? i am esp those computer generated ones does anyone know if there is a free service available rather than give BT my money.. thanks

call BT and explain to them the problem and they should give you a website address (i can't remember it :rolleyes: ) I am with telewest and they were great and gave me the site. Log on and you need to have the numbers that have been calling you. The computer generated ones are a pain in the as* as the number that is left on your phone is sometimes not recognized by the sites that can cancel the calls. Give it a go though buddy
Allenm said:
Easy. go here

It is free and also provides caller line identification if your phone has that facility.

Agree completely. I was paying £1.25 per month for caller ID, then found this by accident. It's available to existing customers as well as new ones, it's free, and it includes caller ID and registration to the TPS. Great idea and in my case has saved me money!
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