My house has 2 lighting circuits each protected by a 6 amp trip. I have read that it is normal to have upto 12 lights on each circuit which allows for upto 100W bulbs per lamp and 1200W max loading. I would like to ask whether there is a mandatory maximum number of lamps or is it advisory/best practice. I have done a quick count up of my upstairs circuit and already exceed the number of lights but not the circuit rating with the current lights in use e.g. I have some low energy bulbs and a study has florescent tubes. I also wish to add an ensuite bathroom which will have 3 * 50W lights,a shaver point and extractor fan and a couple of 60W wall lights in the main bedroom. This would still fall within the circuit rating but significantly exceed 12 lights. Would an extra lighting circuit be required? Any advice would be welcome