Oil prices up yet again.

How do you work that out? We use roughly 1 billion barrels per fortnight.
I Googled it Guiseppe; just like you do :).
A billion is an American billion. One thousand million.
Well in that case, seeing as I used 100million = 1 billion, what with being English an' all, that makes the store of oil (known about) even more.

An English billion is a million millions. Are you really an engineer?

actually its not. Its a thousand millions and has been for a very long time. it originally came from france not england.
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How do you work that out? We use roughly 1 billion barrels per fortnight.
I Googled it Guiseppe; just like you do :).
A billion is an American billion. One thousand million.
Well in that case, seeing as I used 100million = 1 billion, what with being English an' all, that makes the store of oil (known about) even more.

An English billion is a million millions. Are you really an engineer?

actually its not. Its a thousand millions and has been for a very long time. it originally came from france not england.

No it's not. Our structural engineer says its a hundred million.
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Thermo is correct as the UK changed from long to short scale in the 70's.

In the UK today a million has 6 zero's and a billion has 9 zeros i.e. 1000 million.

War in the middle east will happen sooner than oil running out and the repercussions will reverberate around the world. :(
Israel will attack Iran first then all hell will be let loose !.
Crude oil. $400 per barrel !.
There will be a slight delay whilst Joe-90 googles "War in the middle east" and compiles a response ... Please be patient poster.
There will be a slight delay whilst Joe-90 googles "War in the middle east" and compiles a response ... Please be patient poster.

He's spot on. It's been in the news for weeks - but not in a white paper so you won't know about it. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Classic Joe-90 ... Doesn't even read his own quotes ...

If you are British, on the other hand, a billion may be 1,000,000,000,000 (a million million), following the older convention.
Trouble is the UK doesn't use the older convention (as most people know) and hasn't since 1974 ... As I correctly posted earlier.

Interestingly, if you google "billion" the first result returned is Wikipedia which happens to be correct ... Strange Joe didn't use it as it's his normal source of information.

I think the fact that it confirms that he's wrong may have had something to do with it :LOL: :LOL:

Let's hear it for Joe-factless-90

If you are British, on the other hand, a billion may be 1,000,000,000,000 (a million million), following the older convention.

If you are neither British nor American, you can take your pick! (Both systems were invented by the French, but are called 'British' and 'American' for convenience.)
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