Hi, a few weeks ago, I noticed that my old gas cooker oven was making a roaring noise, particularly when on a higher setting. Then yesterday, I've noticed that the flame looks uneven, and there's an additional flame appearing to the left of the section where you expect them to appear.
So, I've opened the bottom panel and taken a few picture in the hope that someone could just haave a quick look please. Before calling someone in, I'd just like to try and find out if this is something that they are likely to be able to fix/service, or whether it's something more serious. Thanks.
So, I've opened the bottom panel and taken a few picture in the hope that someone could just haave a quick look please. Before calling someone in, I'd just like to try and find out if this is something that they are likely to be able to fix/service, or whether it's something more serious. Thanks.