Old single socket

17 Nov 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi, we have a single socket in outer bedroom which I want to covert to a double and relocate to another wall close by, both old and new locations are accessible from a now unused Airing cupboard which used to have the old boiler storage tank in it. I want to use this cupboard to store my tools in as it’s central in the house and a handy location. Frye wiring on the old socket won’t already the new location so here is what I propose

Remove old single socket and relocate on the other side of the wall in the tool cupboard but as a fuse spare fixed to the internal fabric of the studded cupboard

Run new wiring to new location from new fuse spare and fit double socket

Also run lighting cable to the top of the tool cupboard for a simple pull switch single light, will this cable need protection?

Is all this feasible, safe and allowed please?
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Forgot to mention the new double socket for the bedroom will be used for hairdryer, curlers and other female related tomfoolery.
Hi, the old socket already has 2 sets of cables coming out of it, I need to keep this single socket so I can supply mains to the loft. I need the double and some lights so assumed I would need a fuse spur for the light?
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The old boiler had a storage tank, don’t think there was an immersion, there are 2 cables terminated together in a blank box which I think was originally for the pumps on the old boiler system.
In the attached picture the blue circle is the old single socket original location
The red circle is the old single socket
Green circle is where I want the new double replacing the old socket with a fuse spare with a single socket feeding new double and lightning for cupboard above indicated by the yellow arrow.

The second picture shows the old CH wiring joined together.

Sorry about the mess, the small white cable is the old alarm system. This cupboard is not accessible to kids etc.


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I'm a little confused with your description.

Something like this will give a socket and a SFCU with 2 cables in each (the additional link shown in orange), it looks like the existing 2 grey cables may be long enough to rreach my random positions. Yellow arrow being the cable feeding cupboard and loft light.

Have I understood your requirement?

This is assuming this is a correctly over current and RCD protected ring or radial circuit which will need to be investigated
@SUNRAY instead of having the sfcu could I run 2 cables from a standard fcu one to my light and the other into the loft as a socket?

In my drawing above the sfcu supply’s an extension cord into the loft which I could potentially do without.

Your dangling socket appears to have two grey PVC T&E going into it which are probably a ring circuit (check this)

Between these two cables, you can put as many sockets as you want, with as many FCUs, wherever you want, by enlarging the ring. None of them needs to be in the same place as the old one. None of them needs to be a spur.

For example, a workroom benefits from having a couple of double sockets along every wall, at desktop height, or one every metre. This is easily done by running the ring round the room using new cable.

A workroom can have surface mounted sockets and mini-trunking.
Thanks all, I have a B32 trip on this circuit so pretty sure I have a ring, the hose was built 1995, I will take plenty of photos so I can roll back if needed. Thanks for all the replies guys, this place is great.

I think I will go for the SFCU option as I want to run a light from it, last question, does there exist a simple light pendant (just a wire and bulb) with a simple pull switch built in available please?

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