Old telephone master socket wiring

14 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
I accidentily pulled the BT master socket of the wall when redecorating and now I don't know where the wires connect. It has 4 wires; a green, black, orange and white. I think my research is right in that now only orange and white are used going to terminals 2 and 5 respectively. However, as I'm not supposed to touch this master socket I want to put all 4 wires back correctly. BT have qouted over 200 quid to come and do it!

Orange, White, Green and Black wires. Usually (but not always) Orange and White are the active pair and go to connections 2 and 5

If possible while you do it just have a phone plugged in to hand and hold the orange and white on pins 2 and 5 and ensure you have a dial tone, if you do re connect and test fully, make a call, ensure it rings etc. And your ok.
Thanks for that, I'll give it a go.

However, do you know where the other wires go (green and black)? I know you don't need them anymore but I really want to get them back to how they were.
What happened to the original "Telephone box" topic, kitchy? :confused:
they probablly didn't go anywhere, BT just use cable with more than one pair to avoid having to add new cables when a second line is ordered or a fault develops.
Are you sure it ain't BLUE not black?

In which case Blue & Orange are 2/5 and Green is 3.
erm there shouldn't be a connection to 3 on an incoming master line just to 2 and 5
No, there shouldn't. But in case there are any outgoing cables that need reconnecting, that's where the green wire goes.
securespark said:
Are you sure it ain't BLUE not black?

In which case Blue & Orange are 2/5 and Green is 3.

The colours he quotes are correct secure - green and black is one pair and orange and white is the other pair. This is the standard for two pair drop wire.

Connect white/orange to 2/5 (or A/B) and see if you get dial tone, if not, use the green/black instead. The spare pair is just left unterminated in the back box.
securespark said:
No, there shouldn't. But in case there are any outgoing cables that need reconnecting, that's where the green wire goes.

On the master socket, as in NTE (Network Termination Equipment) there should only be the incoming pair from the Network. ( rare exceptions are an incoming earth as a third wire for complex siganlling as was once used in party lines and small private exchanges.) These two wires terminate on the fixed to the wall back half of of the NTE

The internal BT and/or DIY wiring is from the front half and is normally three wire.

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