Hi I can't hear a rattle, but I can hear a 'shuk shuk shuk' sound, is that what you mean?
If so it sounds to me that something on the wheel or the tyre is rubbing.
I am guessing that you have had a close look at the tyre with the car jacked up so the wheel is free to rotate? Turn the wheel round by hand, looking and listening for the noise. You should be able to work out what is causing the noise. The tyre might have a bulge on the inside tyrewall, if so you will be able to feel this. The bulge could be rubbing against something.
If you think it is the wheel or tyre, try fitting the spare wheel in place of the original and see if the noise is still there.
If you have found nothing wrong, take the wheel off again and then have a close look at the hub and the brake. See if anything looks wrong - metal or wires sticking out at a funny angle etc. Rotate the hub and see if the sound is still there. If so I'm thinking it might be something to do with the brake. I don't know Your model: whether it has disc brakes or drum brakes, but by rotating the hub you should be able to work out if it's the brake. If it is, it could be a warped or worn disc or drum.
Before doing any of this, does the noise change or disappear when you apply the brakes? If so those are probably your problem.
So you can do a lot of investigation by yourself before you get to a garage. If it is the brake, you can ask for a brake service.
Note, if you do replace any brake discs, drums, pads, or shoes, always replace the same thing(s) on the brake on the other side at that end of the car - you don't want to risk having unbalanced brakes.
Good luck. Be careful when jacking up your car.