On This Day

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Wanted to start a new thread and will kick off with:

On this day, Live Aid happened.

Were you there, or did you throw a LA party at your gaff?

Tell us about it (no pun intended, he cancelled at the last minute).
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Funnily enough in LA the 'Hollywoodland' sign was officially unveiled on this day...
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Which year?
On this day, July 14th, the Bastille was stormed in Paris. It’s Bastille day in France.

Oh, and Mrs Mottie was born. And her brother. And her Nan.
On this day sixty years ago in Dallas, Texas...


The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 mandated that “all Government records related to the assassination” be provided to the National Archives and made available to the public. The historian Steven M. Gillon has called it the “most ambitious declassification effort in American history.”... for those with the inclination to look and the expertise to interpret what they find, the records now in the public realm are terrifically damning to the Warren Commission and to the CIA.


In all these years nobody can agree on who, how or why Kennedy was shot but now i can exclusively reveal the identity of the shooter on the Grassy Knoll was indeed...

...the Lard of Dorkness himself. :cool:
On this day in 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, while riding through Dealey Plaza in his motorcade, his wife Jackie by his side.
Edit; Yesterday's news but I remmber it like it was yesterday as it was on telly all the time.
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