One to run with Notch

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oooh, something that's 14 years old, oh good lets drag that up to be the current debating topic too :)
There must be an election coming up.

Nice to see the Tories and their remaining supporters are running scared.
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oooh, something that's 14 years old, oh good lets drag that up to be the current debating topic too :)

I would argue it is relevant, however old, because Corbyn is current leader of the opposition.

If you look at Corbyns past, his ideology becomes clear.

If Corbyn is the Labour leader at tge next election, his past will be raked over to the nth degree.
He still want to be PM of this country. With Diane Abacus below him...

The problem with Corbyn is not his cabinet, its the unelected advisors around him......who are a bunch of commie fanatics.

Instead of pandering to thrm, Corbyn should embrace the moderates in the Labour party and widen his voting share.

He wont because he is a lifelong protestor.
It seems that to question the obsession that notchy has with Corbyn is to invite censorship...

The same with the other 'mods' on here...

Such a sad/pathetic approach to what is supposed to be a 'discussion'!
The problem with Corbyn is not his cabinet, its the unelected advisors around him......who are a bunch of commie fanatics.
Instead of pandering to thrm, Corbyn should embrace the moderates in the Labour party and widen his voting share.
Perhaps he agrees with them.

He wont because he is a lifelong protestor.
Then don't vote for him.
If other people feel the same, then he won't get in - so all will be well for you.

If he does get elected, then ...

Would you rather he pretend he is something else just to get elected, like all the remainer MPs who are now pretending to support brexit for fear of losing their seats?
His level headed not obsessed
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