Oooops: (smoking)

10 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
I was doing so well.

I smoked through my birthday party (Saturday) and my resulting hangover (Sunday), as I said I would.

The packet I had lasted until halfway through Monday (about lunchtime). When it ran out I had no more on Monday.

I had none at all, whatsoever, on Tuesday, so I thought I'd cracked it.

Yesterday (Wednesday) I went up to my grandparents house and painted a 30 foot living room, including gloss work, ceilings and covings. When I sat down for a cup of tea I still resisted.

Then I rewarded myself by going for a pint down at the local, and it went wrong. After the first sip I went running to morrisons and now it's the early hours of Thursday morning and I've almost finished another pack of 20.

Somebody please either b*ll*ck me or offer some practical help........
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a pack a day.
£5 a day
£45 a week (with extra packs bought on booze nights)
£195 a month
£2340 a year
£70200 if u smoke for another 30 years
£35100 if infact u dont live that long and only manage 15 years
thats without counting lighters, extra washing due to fag smell n clothes, extra smoking cos ur wife nags u about smoking, lost revenue due to having to have a fag break every 30 mins, extra dental treatment to keep um clean.
i smoked...thankfully managed to kick it after about 20 goes....last time was with nicorets ? (or similar) at xmas...not had one yet
Years ago I heard one trick that does work for some:

You don't really stop smoking, you postpone the next one (as long as you live ;)
I've been told it's a trick of the mind and easier to keep up with.

Might work for you ?
I successfully gave up for 4 years. The first 2 days was the hardest. I gave up on the Friday night, and then spent the entire weekend in bed, to go cold turkey. For the next few weeks I learned to appreciate the sensations of the withdrawal symptoms. Then every time I felt like a ciggy, I just reminded myself that I wouldn't get buzz of the withdrawal symptoms anymore.

My main reason for giving up, was so that I could argue against the nanny state concept of banning smoking in public places, without some smart alek claiming that I was in denial.

I finally started smoking again last year. I suppose I just didn't have enough motivation to keep off them. I wasn't getting the buzz anymore either.
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Why pay for them when in public places you can easily passive smoke ;)
Giving up smoking is easy, I've done it hundreds of times!

Only joking, I gave up for good about 7 years ago. I have a friend who is a fairly heavy smoker who has given up lots of times, and every time I see him I ask if he's going to give up again and he always tells me it will be after a certain party, or after a move of house, or after an exam etc. etc. etc.
ninebob said:
I had none at all, whatsoever, on Tuesday, so I thought I'd cracked it.

Takes more than a day to crack it. I gave up 50 days ago - it's hell for the first 5 days 'cos you get such craving. Then it gets less & less. I could still do with a fag though...

I gove up along with two other guys on Screwfix.
Without the support of these others I would not have made it. So I suggest you find a mate or two and give up together. Read the sfx posts too, there's some helpful hints there.

Also, I think cold turkey is the best.
Just don't give up giving up. OK, the first few days are difficult, but after a week when your breathing starts to clear, you will start to wonder why you ever started smoking in the first place. The first step is to get rid of those horrible white smelly cancer sticks, either give them to a friend to get rid of or destroy and bin them. I know it is difficult in a smoke packed pub to withhold the temptation. The best thing I found to do is at first try and avoid circumstances which cause you to strike up. If this involves getting some tins in the fridge instead, so be it. If going to the pub makes you smoke, then don't go to the pub. After a while you will be able to tollerate other people smoking their horrible cigarettes.
WoodYouLike said:
Years ago I heard one trick that does work for some:

You don't really stop smoking, you postpone the next one (as long as you live ;)
I've been told it's a trick of the mind and easier to keep up with.

Might work for you ?

I'm liking this idea: If I can just steel myself and hold out a bit longer for each cigarette, the gaps will get longer and longer etc.... I can see how this could work, and right now as I type this I have put down the one I was about to light, to see how far I can go... maybe even going to bed and smoking it in the morning. Best practical advice so far!
Haven`t smoked for ages now ...But found that smoking strong ones less frequently was more satisfying...throw away the silk cut and get on the Players Navy cut....Just thinking of those gets me going. :LOL:
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