Oroville Dam - Spillway.

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
The project continues - Looks like a text book construction this time...

How it looked Feb 12 2017. At around 40 secs see the emergency overspill begins to erode the terrain back toward the ogee wall... Disaster beckoned - The broken main spillway was moving in excess of 100,000 cfs (cubic feet per second)...

It will be interesting to see what happens to the bank on the other side of the river when the spill way is running at full spill. Are there baffles at the bottom to slow the velocity of water hitting the river.?

oro spill t3.jpg
I don't know about that one in particular, but spillways are usually designed with a sort of "skijump" near the bottom so the water is flung into the air and breaks up into a spray of drops.

I have an idea they are named after some engineer of the 1920's or 1930's.

There are other ways of breaking up the flow, with dragons teeth, steps and sills, and rough rocks in the pond.
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Energy Dissipators or 'Dentates' - being renovated at bottom of Oroville dam primary spillway.



Pretty massive structure(s) - very large forces involved.
100,000 cfs water is approximately 446 Imp tons / sec !!
