OT Blood Pressure

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
Due to CKD and low iron levels they have just started me on IV iron, plus injections to encourage the production of iron. For a couple of years they have been treating me for high BP and asking me to take and log home readings.

What I noted when logging my BP, was that it would drop quite drastically with any effort or if I took a hot bath, something which seemed wrong to me - I would logically expect the opposite and often suffered dizziness/weakness, so I have regularly reported this to the doc..

Last month, before the iron, I asked if I could try reducing my BP prescription, to see if that helped with the dizziness and it was agreed. My BP then went too high and they put me back on the usual dose.

What I am seeing now, is my BP seems about right, but instead of diving with effort or a hot bath, it is increasing as I thought it ought to - this since the iron. Neither have I suffered the dizziness.

Should BP immediately increase, or decline with effort or an hot bath?
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Looking at this as a Plumber I would follow your gut and do what you think best.

I take no responsibility for death or illness in relation to any advice I may or may not have given.
Its normal for blood pressure to increase during exercise, particularly if you are hitting zone4+/Vo2Max. Over time cardio training will reduce BP as your CV system will become more efficient.
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Its normal for blood pressure to increase during exercise, particularly if you are hitting zone4+/Vo2Max. Over time cardio training will reduce BP as your CV system will become more efficient.

Thanks, that is what I wanted confirming. So it seems my dizziness and low BP, dizziness when looking up and when I'm involved in any effort, was likely due to my low iron level, rather than the BP tablets. I will make a point of stressing it to the doc. next time I speak to them.
what's your resting HR?
what is your HR recovery Rate?
What is your max HR?
Are you broadly fit?
Are you broadly normal weight for your height?

Do you have an adverse reaction (dizziness/fainting) if you cut/injure yourself?
what's your resting HR?

what is your HR recovery Rate?
Not sure..

What is your max HR?
I have seen 105

Are you broadly fit?
Generally, I run up stair quite easily, I just get out of steam eventually which I now know is due to low oxygen levels due to low iron. I didn't know how badly I had become, until the iron IV and injection made such a big difference to my stamina levels.

Are you broadly normal weight for your height?
A little over weight.

Do you have an adverse reaction (dizziness/fainting) if you cut/injure yourself?
No, no problem at all really. Cuts tend to bleed a little longer due to taking prescribed aspirin to thin my blood, to help reduce my BP.
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Aranesp - They gave me what they called a large dose of IV iron in hospital a month ago, plus my first Aranesp injection. I soon felt great after it, masses of energy.

I was supposed to have a second injection 10 days ago at the local surgery, after they checked had confirmed my BP was low enough to have it, but it was too high (190) and aborted. It shot up due to white coat syndrome, my own log showed it was exceptional (always <160), but now I have to wait for the hospital to get back to me, having decided what to do. The more the surgery nurse fussed about, trying to get it down, the higher my BP went.

I suspect the hospital may suggest accepting my own home readings :)

When I went dizzy and checked, my BP would have dived to <110 with a pulse of >100. Now I'm back on 10mg Amlodipine, instead of the 5mg, I am generally <145.

Renal want my BP <130, but because I had a minor undiagnosed stroke maybe decades ago and they have spotted a narrow artery feeding my brain that department wants me nearer 160.
your emphasis seems to be on your systolic bp reading. should the emphasis really be on your diastolic, which is more dangerous when high? particularly as you’ve had a stroke previously.

The medical professionals do only seem interested in my Systolic readings, so that is what I have shown most interest in - despite logging both plus BP.
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