


i have done quite a bit of woodcarving and lots of DIY, especially woodwork .... always admired those whose could sharpen a chisel properly.. especially a gouge.
Well i bought a honing guide a while back, but could never set it up right, so tend to blunt my 'posh' Stanley chisel set.

Well today i had to hang an internal door, and while the wife and kids went to fetch it, i thought i'd have another go at sharpening them chisels (knowing that chisels are one of the most important tools needed to hang a door)..... well i actually did really well! When i'd done, they would cut a sheet of hanging paper ....

So i set about the door.... cutting out the hole for the lock, and i slipped.... that damned chisel went though an inch and a half of the palm of my hand, just below my left index finger !!!!! blood everywhere.

It's just about stopped bleeding.... keep splitting it when i pick up my beer :(
Jeepers. That's gonna be sore in the morning. :(
it's stinging now !

used skin closures on it.... can't beat them... like long sticky strips.. 1000 times better than plasters
I know the ones - they're the biz.

Keep a watchful eye on the wound though - the last thing you want is a wood splinter deep within.
thanks, but the amount of blood that came out would've washed out any timber lol.

But it does make a huge difference to how easy it is to work if
the tools are sharp!