So John, if so many people are so strongly in favour of staying in the eu, and so few people are in favour of leaving, how come the leave contingent won, are remainers so thick that they ticked the wrong box.
majority of the public want to remain.
204 polls out of 226 show remain majority.
Two hundred and four out of 226 polls showed Remain in the lead, with 15 tied and just seven for Leave. Seventy four of those polls were taken in 2019, when only one poll favoured Leave.
The reality of public sentiment is in stark contrast to Boris Johnson's claims that the public just want to "get Brexit done", or indeed that we are gearing up for a 'people vs parliament' general election.
What is the chance the last 38 polls are wrong:
1 chance in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
The last 78 polls, from May 2017 onwards showed a slow growth, and now steady consolidation, of Remain preference which has levelled and decreased slightly in the last six month
Up to the 9th October 2019 poll (averaging the growth since July 2016)
REMAIN wins with more than 3.8 million (10%) majority
turnout greater than 80%
BREXIT is absolutely not the will of the electorate,
the citizens or the residents of the UK