6 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
Do we know who is in our country or when we do and give them asylum
they take all the benefits and on top of that steal from us.

The article is

Cashpoint money stolen by illegal immigrants Aug 5 2005

A GANG of illegal immigrants stole up to £200,000 from cashpoint machines using hi-tech equipment to copy the cards of innocent shoppers, a court heard yesterday.

Four Eastern Europeans put false fronts on cashpoint machines in Wales and installed pinhole cameras to secretly film shoppers tapping in their PIN numbers.

The team - three illegal immigrants from Romania and a Chechen asylum-seeker - targeted cashpoints near supermarkets to steal bank card details from hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers.

I can just imagine getting my bank statement in minus £300 and all the trouble trying to sort it out.
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Bit hard to know who has criminal intent when passing through immigration don't you think?
kendor said:
Bit hard to know who has criminal intent when passing through immigration don't you think?

Really ? If your house was continually burgled / misused would you would invite all and sundry in for a cuppa?
Sort of gets back to why we put a lock on the door ....
Slogger said:
are you stupid or just acting it these **** need a 9mm hole placed discreetly in the space at the back of there ears

what a stupid thing to say we all know the basta rd immigrants are here to **** the country up

shut the **** door and weld it shut


Slogger, I would have to say that I would rather share my country or even my house with an immigrant than with someone who holds views such as yours.
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despite all the rhetoric of the government, they have reduced border controls to farsical levels. Now with any large group of people entering the country, you will get all sorts (not the bertie bassett kind). At the risk of swinging the blue lamp again, when we used to find an illegal immigrant, they used to be arrested and then immigration would come down, deal with them, and sort out their visa, or if an illegal send them to a holding centre. Funnily enough that changed after 1997 (what happened then i cant think!!!) We used to arrest them and then immigration would tell us to give them a rail warrant to east croydon and give them directions to lunar house to be dealt with up there. Now i wondr how many turned up????
rederech said:
they take all the benefits
Perhaps we should let them work, then...

and on top of that steal from us.
Those people were criminals. We have plenty of laws to deal with criminals - I don't see what difference being illegal immigrants makes.

Let's try changing the article a bit, and see how comfortable people feel with it then

Cashpoint money stolen by Jews Aug 5 2005

A GANG of Jews stole up to £200,000 from cashpoint machines using hi-tech equipment to copy the cards of innocent shoppers, a court heard yesterday.

Four Eastern European Jews put false fronts on cashpoint machines in Wales and installed pinhole cameras to secretly film shoppers tapping in their PIN numbers.

The team - three Jews from Romania and a Jewish asylum-seeker - targeted cashpoints near supermarkets to steal bank card details from hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers.

Be very careful when you start to demonise entire groups - you never know where it will end up.
VERY PC of you and very cowardly we all know who and where they came from

send them back in bodybags if need be or dispose of them here i would go the cheaper route

why are we taking this scum in ? they are passing france and germany to get here can anyone tell me why ?

Perhaps they hope to find you in a darkened alley one night.

I know who I'd rather see in a body-bag..
your not answering my question please dont be getting personal on me its not becoming of you your highness

WHY is the question i know the answer do you
ban-all-sheds said:
rederech said:
they take all the benefits
Perhaps we should let them work, then...

and on top of that steal from us.
Those people were criminals. We have plenty of laws to deal with criminals - I don't see what difference being illegal immigrants makes.

Let's try changing the article a bit, and see how comfortable people feel with it then

Cashpoint money stolen by Jews Aug 5 2005

A GANG of Jews stole up to £200,000 from cashpoint machines using hi-tech equipment to copy the cards of innocent shoppers, a court heard yesterday.

Four Eastern European Jews put false fronts on cashpoint machines in Wales and installed pinhole cameras to secretly film shoppers tapping in their PIN numbers.

The team - three Jews from Romania and a Jewish asylum-seeker - targeted cashpoints near supermarkets to steal bank card details from hundreds of unsuspecting shoppers.

Be very careful when you start to demonise entire groups - you never know where it will end up.

These are HARD facts which I presented NOT some made up story.

Your anti-Semitism views concerning Jews are totally unfounded.

It was not Jews that committed these crime but 3 illegal immigrants
who should NOT have been in the country and one asylum seeker.

For your information the 4 THIEFS ( ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS) are to be deported when they finish
their prison sentence.

Good riddance to them.
ok tell me why are we putting them in prision here wtf is the matter with our powers that be

send them back and pay a small fee to put them up in there own nations jail

i am sure the cost would be something like 20 quid a week or 40 and they would throw in 2 or 3 beatings a week

come on i want a show of hands on the UK sponsoring a butlins style prision camp abroad
hello campers


ok please put down your koorans and lets start the business of the day

no mohammed you cant leave yet we havent ( trained you ) shown you the welcome room yet

oh happy days i want the job of retraiing islamic followers

i have my own tools and i work cheap as i like my job
What sort of retraining?

And surely you'd want them all to be provided with the tools you'd be training them to use, rather than having them use yours?
Slogger said:
hello campers


ok please put down your koorans and lets start the business of the day

no mohammed you cant leave yet we havent ( trained you ) shown you the welcome room yet

oh happy days i want the job of retraiing islamic followers

i have my own tools and i work cheap as i like my job
why would anyone want to de-skill themselves? :)
I have to agree with slogger ....

if I went to a foreign country,say in the middleast , I would be lucky to ever see Britain in one piece again an thats for minor crimes theft etc

yet we are CIVILISED an YET one dead illegal brasilian immigrant,we are the new Nazis ..lol..

what utter rot if he went home he would of been dead anyway ,Fact ,by trigger happy corrupt drug gang cops there ..
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