out in the cold

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
i see the green police are at it again :eek: they now dont want u sitting outside with a patio heater as you are now causing more globe warming, and u should not be drinking coffiee as the people growing it dont get a fair deal for there crop :eek: :confused: also you cant have a Bar.B.Q. that has the same effect,, i think we should all vote in the green party:cool: as we will be getting pennies from heaven they have the anwers for every thing and the dosh to pay for it ,hip,hip, horay for the green the no fun party ;)
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A FAG,A BEER, A BAR-B, A 4x4 , a patio heater ,what more could a man want :LOL: :confused:
trazor. u still bothering with them :LOL: if u said a 42'' telly well now your talking :LOL:
What gives out the most CO2?
Plasma TV? Or a patio heater?
No prizes for guessing
For decades man has ventured outdoors in the summer months for a few burnt bangers and some beer. Without the need for external heating, (other than the BBQ itself)

Patio heaters are for pansies. If you don't like the cold, put a jumper on, or stay inside!

Patio heaters are for pansies. If you don't like the cold, put a jumper on, or stay inside!


Yep, if it's too cold to sit outside without heating, then don't sit outside. Must admit, I don't understand why people are so into bbq's. Sitting outside, swatting flies away, eating half cooked meat and probably half the fly population.

Man supposedly evolved from living in caves, hunting and cooking outside to building houses with central heating and cooking indoors and now we're back to cooking outside on a ruddy fire.

Nah, give me my cooker anyday - or better, a phone and the local takeaway!! :LOL: :LOL:
An interesting dillema has risen around these parts recently..

The greens are all about sustainable energy...they dont want tons of junk pumping into the air from power stations etc...they are all for wind turbines, solar power (300 grand a pop for a 3x2 panel!!...no thanks)

They are pushing for wind turbines on a local hillside around here...unfortunatly another 'chapter' of the environmental angels feel its spoiling the view...

'studies' are carried out on behlaf of both sides...the findings are amazing,

The pro turbine lobby say that the turbines will be 90 feet high and will provide enough power to supply the nearest town (provided we dont sell it to France for a nice profit!)

The anti turbine brigade say they are 250 feet high, produce more noise pollution then Micheal Bolton..kill off wildlife becasue of the massive blades...are not energy efficient whatsover and ruin the landscape.

Who's lying?...who is twisting the truth?
Go judge for yourself there are plenty of them around.

IMO they are a blot on the landscape, make a hell of a racket and don't provide enough energy to warrant their existence.

If we seriously want to invest time and effort in these white elephants stick them on an island out at sea where ...

1. Wind is generally more plentiful.
2. We don't have to put up with them.

The only reason not to is ££££'s and, whilst we are being told how important they are, no MP would have them in their own back yard.

Daft idea full stop from a daft party with no sensible ideas about anything.

if you prove the green wrong on any suject they come back with another load of satistic's to prove you are wrong and a mother earth hater :confused: u better do as THEY WANT OR :?: they only thing they ever prove to me is give them a platform and they will be on it for live no matter what, but never never give us real costs or anwers :cry: they just full of s###
if you prove the green wrong on any suject
Do you have an example of that happening?

they come back with another load of satistic's to prove you are wrong
And that?

they only thing they ever prove to me is give them a platform and they will be on it for live no matter what
It's a characteristic of people who genuinely believe something that they continue to believe that thing when challenged by an illiterate idiot.

but never never give us real costs or anwers :cry: they just full of s###
Do you have any "real costs" for the things you rant about?

And would you mind explaining who "us" is?
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