Can anyone tell me please whether this proposed way of getting an outside socket in the garden for my pond would be OK.
If it makes any difference the length of SWA cable from FCU to socket would be about 4 metres buried at the appropriate depth.
The socket, attahced to a brick wall, would never have a high load as it would just be for some pond equipment.
I know that it comes under Part P as it's outside but would just like to know if this is a sound way of doing it. It is not practicle to go straight from the CU, spur from one of the sockets, or spur from a ring on the non-RCD side of the CU.
Hoping you can assist.
If it makes any difference the length of SWA cable from FCU to socket would be about 4 metres buried at the appropriate depth.
The socket, attahced to a brick wall, would never have a high load as it would just be for some pond equipment.
I know that it comes under Part P as it's outside but would just like to know if this is a sound way of doing it. It is not practicle to go straight from the CU, spur from one of the sockets, or spur from a ring on the non-RCD side of the CU.
Hoping you can assist.