Oven ICRA elements OHMs testing

3 Feb 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi All, my UK single oven is tripping the RCD and I was looking for any advice please.

The Irca bottom oven element, 611 watt is reading 90 OHMs. While the Icra fan element and top grill element are both 20 OHMs, which both have a wattage of 2100 and 2920 respectively.

I cannot see anything wrong with the three elements, would anyone be able to offer any guidance please?

Thank you.
Using W= I x V and R = V/R
Your readings calculate at 94 ohms, 27 ohms and 21 ohms respectively. (Not too far from your readings).
However this does NOT take into account the temperature of the elements which increases the resistance as the elements get hotter.

But if your RCD is tripping then there is a leakage to earth!
Disconnect all 3 elements from both live and neutral, but still in place, make safe the connections.
Power on the cooker, if RCD now trips - fault is not the elements.
If the cooker now powers on, one of the elements is leaking to earth.
Power off, and re-connect just ONE element, power on and check RCD.
Check each element in turn to discover the faulty element.
Hi Tricky-Dicky,

Thanks very much for taking the time to reply and showing me how to calculate the OHMs, most useful!

I tried your really helpful method but no luck, I did disconnect the earth as well for all the three elements individually. I presume this was correct? I still have power to the clock and light but as soon as I turn the control to any setting, it trips. Maybe the control selector switch or wiring causing the leaking.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks again!
That would seem to rule out the elements then, Is it a fan oven, if so try the same process with that. Also have a look at the wiring and any components buried inside the machine, thermostats pcb.s etc.
The ohmmeter used to test leakage to earth is not the same as the ohm meter used to work out what power will be used. This VC60B.jpg is an insulation tester, it uses 500 volts, and will give one a good idea of how much current will leak to earth. It gives one an idea, but not accurate, the same as using an ohmmeter as you have done, as the resistance changes as elements heat up, and the insulation tester uses DC, and we use AC, so there will be some inductive and capacitive linking.

This Diffrence line neutral 8 Feb 24 reduced.jpg will show accurate leakage, and power used, but can't be used if the supply is tripping.

Elements use mineral insulation, which is hygroscopic, it will absorb moisture from the air, so they are sealed at the ends, if this seal fails, you may be able to drive out the water, but it will be short-lived, and will return, so the only real option is to replace.

The clamp-on meter is showing my whole house is leaking 8 mA, the RCD should trip between 15 and 30 mA, normally around 26 mA, so if I used a single RCD it would trip with 18 mA leakage, as back-ground already 8 mA. I have all RCBO's so 14 RCD's, it is a case of penny wise pound foolish to fit one RCD for many circuits, but often the problems were not explained. Only when it goes wrong, are house owners even told there was a better way.

One can of course test the RCD, here shown doing a loop test, Loop-test.jpg but the same meter will test an RCD, it can use fixed leakage, or a ramp test, the latter will show at what extra leakage the RCD will trip, and it also measures the time taken to trip, can't really measure 40 mS with a stop watch.

But the problem is the cost of the meters, the three meters shown can easily cost £250, and even to hire, because they need recalibrating after each hire, can cost £60 just to hire.


For helping, all of your information is extremely helpful.

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