I recently had my drive re-laid with block paving and needed to replace an iron manhole cover, which was cracked and obviously dangerous for our cars driving over it. Approximately one third of the manhole and cover is within my neighbour’s boundary. My builder fitted a new cover that the blocks sit in and offered to match my neighbour’s side with the same blocks that they have. They refused and he offered them another option, which they also refused. They asked him to cut the black handle and he said that if he did that, it would be difficult to lift it out if needed. Because they were being so difficult and unreasonable, I told the builder to fill their portion with cement though their railings because they were threatening to call the Police if he went onto their property. They also contacted our local councils Anti-Social behaviour Office to complain (which was a first for them) and are threatening legal action... Not that I’m too bothered but would anybody know if there are any regulations regarding this situation?