Painting Sash Windows

28 Nov 2004
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United Kingdom
Have just made a mess of my first one :oops: so I've decided to do the (dis)honourable thing and get a decorator in to do the rest. Have had varying quotes per window. Anyone have any idea as to what is a sensible amount per window (for one undercoat and two gloss coats), both internally and externally? Thanks
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Thermo said:
how exactly did you make a mess of it?

Basically painted them shut it seems. they certainly aren't moving up and down as smoothly as they were before. also got paint on the cords
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were they the only problems? (im only asking as with a bit of guidance you can improve and save the money by doing the job yourself)
Puzzled? With care sash windows can be painted without sticking them shut. It doesn't take a lot of care. Of course they need to have been freely moving before you start. Old sashes are likely to need stripping by now. Mine had not been stripped between 1896 and 1987, but once stripped and recorded in 1987 they have been great and have been painted several times.
You shouldn't be getting paint on the cord - it should be possible to pull the cord out of the way while painting the frame.
I never try to paint sashes and frame in the same session.

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