I have purchased a second hand Panasonic DMR EX77 which I am able to record to DVD and to HDD and to use the various inputs and outputs as well as transfer to DVD from HDD. However the one problem I have is that it doesn't see the TV signal from the RF lead. I have read it only has a digital tuner although it has been suggested I need to ensure it is not doing an analogue search. I didn't think it would/could if it only had a digital tuner. However after scanning the manual I cannot see how to alter the search type, if that is possible. The aerial is supplying a signal to a Pioneer Plasma system at present and I have tried using a different aerial which supplies a Toshiba flat screen TV in the bedroom. Neither source is being recognised by the Panasonic DMR. As there are no analogue TV signals anymore I assumed that all I needed to do was connect to the Panasonic and it would search and log in memory. I know it has worked as there were some BBC programmes still on the HDD and the prevoious owner did not use a satellite supply. I am now at a loss, any suggestions please. javascript:emoticon('