
24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Tonight Sunday, maybe we will get a feel for the amount of drugs actually getting into the UK... Tonnes they say, blimey perhaps the same may be happening with explosives.
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masona said:
Anyone buying drugs are funding the terrorisms
That includes, about 90% of the music industry then. Perhaps the government should use the slogan. It's not cool to finance terrorists

If more publicity was given to the connection between drugs and terrorism, perhaps musicians that advocate them would stop being seen as Cool and so drop it from their image.

I get absolutely sickened when I see stars being interviewed, having a good old laugh at how they were stoned out of their mind on such and such an occasion. Just for once, I'd like to hear the presenter saying, "do you realise how many bombs your habbit has provided to terrorists over the years?"
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masona said:
Anyone buying drugs are funding the terrorisms

unfortunately it's not just drugs, its counterfeit cigarettes, cd's dvd's clothing, etc etc etc. But we will buy them because of the extortionately high prices and taxes on the real items.