Parking fine

5 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
On way home after a funeral with my good lady, sister and brother in law, we stopped at a pub /restaurant for something to eat. On parking car I noticed sign saying I had to enter car details inside the pub. Never seen this before but I entered car reg.
Received a letter this morning saying because I didn't enter car details I have been fined £100. I didn't get a ticket from the machine in the pub so apart from my wife and in-laws I can't prove that I entered car details.
Has anybody else had similar episode, would be grateful for advise.
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How did you pay for your meal ?

If it’s by credit card maybe have a word with the pub and if they aren’t helpful, challenge the company and if they aren’t helpful give a review on trip advisor …. Polite but to the point
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Yes I have considered that, brother in law paid, I have told parking company that I have proof we purchased food in pub, still waiting for response.
Pub is part of big chain, Green King, so local staff reluctant to assist.
There was a case like this recently (pub and registration)) when a guy ended up with a fine and costs of around 300 quid after refusing to pay he challenged it and it went to county court with the parking company sending in their barristers . He represented himself the judge threw it out and awarded him 100 quid against the parking company
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We went to a pub in Hemel last year, found it pleasant so popped in the following day for lunch. On the 2nd visit we noticed a sign in the entrance asking us to enter our registration number, failure to do so may result in a penalty. They obviously have a problem with non patrons using the car park.
We mentioned to the manager we were worried that we'd been in the night before and hadn't registered, he said we likely wouldn't hear anything but if we did, give him a call. He also said keep the debit card receipts.
Sure enough we did receive a penalty, phoned the manager and he sorted it for us.
To be quite honest I didn't see anything to suggest I needed a ticket. I wasn't paying anything so I just assumed putting my registration was sufficient. Never used this type of parking before.
To be quite honest I didn't see anything to suggest I needed a ticket. I wasn't paying anything so I just assumed putting my registration was sufficient. Never used this type of parking before.

That's all we did, no ticket issued. If you paid by debit/credit card you can of course prove you were a customer on said date. That should be sufficient.
If you get no joy, write them a letter telling them that you would be happy to have the case put before a judge.

I have done this several times now and they have not chosen that option.

I even know of employees of companies who park their cars legitimately in the car park and the parking firms go after them for "fines" at £100 a pop.
If you get a chance to look at the car park sign again, take a pic and post it up. Most of them are badly worded and can argued. But a few basic facts.

You haven't had a parking fine, you've had a parking charge. It is nothing more than an invoice for a contract that they are arguing you agreed to. i.e. by parking here you agree to these terms, one of which (we presume) is to enter your details on the iPad thingy.

Your reply is simply that you dispute their position and maintain you parked lawfully as a customer of the pub.. Suggest they review their database and see if they can find the entry. Since the iPad thingy doesn't issue a receipt they cannot prove on the balance of probability that you didn't enter your details. It is for them to establish the contract in order to enforce payment.
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