Partitiion Wall

22 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
I wish to reinstate the partition wall between the kitchen and lounge area. The width of wall is approx 4ft. Should I use concrete block or erect a stud wall to this?
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Would this be able to support a door? Once the wall is in place, I would like to hang a door from the new wall.
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To construct a brick wall you will need to put some kind of footing in.

The norm for ease is 3 by 2 tanilized timber with the posts space about 18 inches apart with noggings
Thanks for the replies.

There is part of the partion wall already in existence (concrete block). I was going to attach the stud wall to this using chemical anchors and also attach to the floor with expansion bolts and screw into the ceiling. Would this then support a door?

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