passengers in the back of a van?

When I was an apprentice we used to be able to cram up to 21 blokes in the back of an old Bedford van, like the one on Heartbeat! The only seats were the rounded wheel arches! :LOL: :LOL:
I'm OK. My Transit has a double mattress in the back. Also, the van is never moving when its in use! ;)

so is it safer to be seated frontways with a belt, sideways without or lying down when your a passenger in a crash?..
there's one to send to mythbusters..
on that subject have you seen the video of what happens to unscured tools and materials in the back of a van with a bulkhead in a high impact (ill try and find it later) very frightening!
watching police stop again ( gotta stop watching that, gets me riled up... :) ), and they stopped a small van ( vw caddy i think.. ) and 4 women got out of the back..
they were getting a lift home after a night out..
the police said it was illegal since they didn't have seatbelts on..

so 2 questions sprang to mind from this...

1. How is it illegal when the buses still don't have seatbelts?
2. Aren't the police guilty of the same thing when they put someone in the back of a police van in the crim-cage? they don't make them wear seatblets then..

now typing this a follow on question from number 2 comes to mind..
if it's ok in a police van because there is a cage to stop the crim going through the windshield etc, then does that make it ok for a regular van that has a bulkhead fitted ( solid or mesh.. )?
sorry to informe you but you are wrong you need to check regulations before you talk
There is no legal requirement for seatbelts to be fitted in the rear of a van. However, our advice is that the safest way for passengers to travel is in a proper seat with seatbelts fitted and, if you intend to carry children aged 12 years or under, the seatbelt wearing regulations require them to wear a suitable child restraint at all times.As long if the van have saftey seats on back van is no problems and off course to be insured
sorry to informe you but you are wrong you need to check regulations before you talk
There is no legal requirement for seatbelts to be fitted in the rear of a van. However, our advice is that the safest way for passengers to travel is in a proper seat with seatbelts fitted and, if you intend to carry children aged 12 years or under, the seatbelt wearing regulations require them to wear a suitable child restraint at all times.As long if the van have saftey seats on back van is no problems and off course to be insured

You do realise you are talking to someone who posted 13 years ago !!!!!
All passengers in a vehicle (buses excluded) must have a seat that is bolted down.
I used to go around with a band who used a crew bus, and in order to avoid a more stringent MOT we cut 25% of the seats out.
No rear seatbelts required, but the capacity was reduced along with the reduction in seats.
Granted, “in the old days” kids would travel in the back of a builders van and slide around when cornering or braking.
The highlight of my 9 year old self was riding in the back of an estate car

I have gone home from the pub in the back of a Datsun pick up, unlikely now.

same as a motorcycle must have a seat and pillion rests to carry a passenger. Loads of kids get done on field bikes due to no suitable pillion equipment
In My Dad's 101 Estate 13 hour trip to St Erth Cornwall.

My 3 elder brothers on the back seat. My younger brother on my Mums lap.

I was in the boot with our luggage. My body shaped to the curve of the back door
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I'm convinced the high majority of accounts that resurrect threads (in their first or second post) that are years old are fake, bots, spam or whatever the correct term is.
You do realise you are talking to someone who posted 13 years ago !!!!!
its doesn't matter but i see on this forum people answer without know anything they just say what they believe not what is the true