I am going to paint a rendered outhouse wall with masonry paint, there are a few small areas near the top of the wall whee the render has fallen off and I would like to patch these prior to painting.
As I say, this is only an outhouse so I am not looking for a perfect repair but I would like for the repaired area to be as durable as possible.
So, what is the best way to approach this please? How would I need to prepare the surface before patching and - given that it is such a small area - can I use some sort of premixed mortar product from the likes of Wickes or a local builders merchants rather than buy separate sand sand and cement and create my own mixture?
As I say, this is only an outhouse so I am not looking for a perfect repair but I would like for the repaired area to be as durable as possible.
So, what is the best way to approach this please? How would I need to prepare the surface before patching and - given that it is such a small area - can I use some sort of premixed mortar product from the likes of Wickes or a local builders merchants rather than buy separate sand sand and cement and create my own mixture?