Pavement parking may get banned - hopefully

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
London has a bylaw preventing it, but it's a mess in the rest of the UK. It is illegal to drive on or off a pavement, but not illegal to be parked on it. They can only do you if they catch you actually driving on or off, but there is a dispensation to allow you to cross the pavement for access to your drive, if you have a legal dropped kerb to allow it.

About time, I am fed up of having to walk out on the road, to get around vehicles blocking the footpaths unnecessarily. Most houses in this street have their own drives, mine exceptionally, can accommodate upto 7 cars.

Our road is quite wide enough to allow two large HGV's to pass each other, but has narrow footpaths, with very low kerbs and not very busy usually. Despite the road been more than adequate for vehicles, the idiots still use the footpath as though it is part of the road, to pass vehicles turning into their drives, at speed, where there are high hedges and small kids about. Visitors and delivers often also park on the footpaths, but why - I do not understand the logic?

Even parked blocking the footpath, the road is of such a width that two cars passing in opposing directions - one would have to stop to allow the other past - the same as if they had not blocked the footpath.
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Yeah, but who is going to police it? People already break highway code for parking without anything happening.
I thought pavement parking was banned unless there are signs and markings allowing you to do so?
I don't know about London, but around here the official line is that there is no law preventing parking on pavements but the offence occurs if an obstruction is caused by virtue of the parking.
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While I agree with not parking so a wheelchair, disabled scooter or pushchair etc. can get past, up here in Lancashire many of our roads do not have adequate parking and so we have to park on side roads, roads that are narrow and we would not be able to park if we did not also use the pavement.
As long as an adequate gap is left them IMO it's fine, it's when the morons that park so far that no one else can get past that it becomes an issue.

Like JP says, who is going to police it?
They would have a field day when they start at it.

We cannot get a police officer to come around for a burglary these days, so the police are not going to do it.
Iy would have to be something like a private G4S parking company who would work on bonuses for xx amount etc.
It's uninforcible, round here like many places no doubt there are roads whereby if cars could not park on the pavement all those hundreds of cars would not be able to park.
I can't understand why it's not illegal. I'm sure there is something in the highway code saying you can't park on pavements.
Surely if you see one parked in such a manner that pedestrians, mothers with prams, disabled people on non-road mobility scooters etc, can't safely pass on the pavement then it is an obstruction and therefore liable to a punishment by law. Maybe proof of the incident could be gained by a photograph?
About time, I am fed up of having to walk out on the road, to get around vehicles blocking the footpaths unnecessarily. Most houses in this street have their own drives, mine exceptionally, can accommodate upto 7 cars.
Ah, the 'I'm alright Jack' approach :rolleyes:

Do you have 7 cars?

If not then maybe you could offer some of that space to a few of those 'footpath blockers'?
People witter on about covid! cars are the biggest disease on our planet!
Like JP says, who is going to police it?
They would have a field day when they start at it.

We have a single yellow line to ban parking for one hour at midday, to stop train commuters parking in the street - my suggestion, when they were going to make it the full working day ban. That is policed by parking attendants and mostly works, but at the moment, they can do nothing about cars parked blocking pavements out side that hour because of the weak law.
Legitimate commercial plumbers trade vans should be allowed to park partly on the pavement

providing they are not blocking entirely

every one else apart from emergency vehicles should not be allowed
Parking on pavements

wait till it go’s all leccy cars :LOL:

Not only parked on the pavement
But extension leads draped over the pavement
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Parking on pavements

wait till it go’s all leccy cars :LOL:

Not only parked on the pavement
Boy extension leads draped over the pavement
especially when the chavs get to own leccy cars eventually they won't give a stuff lol
In many situations, with older properties the boundary of the property runs to the street and the right of public access is limited to a right of way. You can’t stop people parking on land they own, providing they don’t obstruct a right of way on foot.

some roads are simply too densely populated to ban parking, if owners have no off street parking.
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