PC is destroying the civilized world as we know it.
The children in school are not to get a failing grade it makes the really stupid kids feel bad, so everyone gets a passing grade.
A criminal is just some poor soul who is misunderstood
A DRUNKEN BUM is not a reason to fire the person as now it is considered a sickness
A drunk behind the wheel of a car is not considered a murderer no matter how many people he killed and even if they drive without a drivers license
it is NOT their fault some low life judge took away their privilege to drive
It is not PC to stop someone from molesting children by placing them in the general population in a prison so the inmates can have a chat with them.
If someone invades your country they are called non documented workers instead of illegals
Is this the same thing as calling a drug dealer a non licensed pharmacist?
Before a police officer arrests someone they must read you your rights in every language spoken on earth.
Two women going to open school week for their child is now considered Betty has two mums and re write the bible as there was never an Adam around there was how ever a test tube full of DNA left so the women no longer need a man.
ALSO the schools must have several languages taught so no one has to learn the unofficial language of the country they just invaded and now make their home.
I am all for gays lesbians and men living together as hopefully they wont breed and after one generation they will be extinct like common sense is no longer alive.
A man protects his home (farm) from an invader who may have killed the home owner while doing a crime and the man protecting himself goes to prison ( He should have killed the invader)
More morons in government worry about prisoners rights then victims.