PCC Voting Today

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
How did it go in your area?

In our Scout hut, just 75 people voted between 7am and 10pm.

Apparently there have been many spoiled papers, with comments like, "I'm not voting, I did not ask for this rubbish"....
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Mean't to vote (none of candidates were suitable, was going to write that on the ballot) but bleeding forgot, only got reminded when news started at ten. By then too late. First election I've missed in a long long time, guess it shows how it captured my imagination.

I do however think it's a good idea to have a locally elected person to oversee the police. A very very important principle, hopefully the next time around the candidates will be of better calibre.
A total lack of interest and information, particularly for those without access to the internet.
A very poorly thought out exercise with a predictable turn out.
I did vote - but not for any of the candidates on offer because every single one of them was attached to a political party. :mad: :mad: :mad: It's the first time I've actually felt the need to spoil a ballot paper. Our son is at university in Leeds and he chose to vote there because two of the candidates were independent. Even so, he says the turn-out was pathetic. Why am I not surprised? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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I didn't vote. Other than getting a ballot card through the post i've heard absolutely nothing about this in the local press, local radio, mail-shots etc... and seen no sign of a campaign in my area. Yesterday I saw two signs on my way to work advertising for one conservative candidate, they weren't there on Wednesday so can only have been there for 24hours. If the candidates aren't interested in 'selling' themselves, i'm not interested in supporting them. I doubt there's any difference between any of them anyway, so it matters not who gets elected.

First 'election' i've missed since I was old enough to vote.
I voted for James Worthington Gordon..... meanwhile back @ the Batcave
First time I haven't voted for anything.

All of them were unsuitable.

The labour candidate predictably said he will fight the cuts, THATS THE ****ING MP'S JOB, and exactly why it is a bad idea. Time spent "fighting the cuts" is time he should be spending fighting CRIME!

Lib dem, con and Ukip candidate where slightly less "party political" but not enough, none of them inspired my confidence in their ability.

One independent black woman who was a member of the women's institute.

One white male indipendant who types in capitals how THE POLICE ROLE SHOULD NOT BE POLITICAL, then goes and slags of labour in the press.

I gave up voting years ago, as an election is just an exercise in turning the dung heap and seeing another piece of cr*p rise to the top...

Some of these are quite good though...

I thought our local candidates might have had the presence of mind to do at least one leaflet drop, but there were none. They are obviously as apathetic as the electorate.
Yup. We had absolutely nothing.

How can you possibly begin to make an informed choice with no information?

The Tory in Hants is accused of fraud, that'll cheer Cameron up no end!
At least Jabba the Hut (aka prescott) lost...

Mind you a t*sser tory is no better...
We received postal ballot forms but neither of us bothered to vote. I hear that many people who did attend the ballot stations wrote pertinent messages on their papers and, worse still, apparently there is a ballot station somewhere in Wales where NO-ONE even turned up to vote!

I think that people are just apathetic about the value, not only of this particular effort, but also of politicians in general these days.

The money wasted on this futile exercise could have paid for many more policemen on the streets.
Just watched a bearded bloke get elected on TV...his supporters waving labour posters...and he said "The way back to government starts here today" The only thing missing was Snow or Dimbleby with their fancy artwork.

It's a farce...just the same old political clap trap...Damn all to do with policing,I wouldn't waste my shoe leather.
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