I have a room with three walls which are to varying degrees below ground level. (1960's split level house). These walls have a corrugated type waterproofing below the plaster and the floor has a plastic sheet which comes up at the walls going behind the corrugated sheets. This all seems OK but there is a wardrobe sized alcove that doesn't seem to have any damp proofing. On moving in 18 months ago I ripped out the previous owners wooden panels and shelves to find a lot of damp. I left this to dry out to get on with other jobs and now want to address the problem. It has reduced to a handfull of damp patches that come and go depending on the weather. Do I seal with Thomsons, paint with bitumen, do both or do nothing to the walls. I want to fit pasterboards (perhaps with air vents) on battens and use it as a wardrobe.