People that deny atrocities

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
I watched this last night ...

BBC Four - Storyville, Final Account

A very thought provoking piece, with interviews from those involved or who lived in the areas. I sat watching, thinking to myself 'how would a denier of these crimes react to this documentary?' I won't go into any detail here as probably not suitable for the forum, however if you get the opportunity, do watch it. As you watch, consider my aforementioned question.

No doubt, like any conspiracy theorist, they would have an answer. However that answer would indirectly mean all of the people featured in the piece were lying, which in itself denies the reality they lived through.
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Years of propaganda making hatred, racism, xenophobia, homophobia all seem normal. People don't realise they've been brainwashed by the state over decades and decades.

Some people just can't admit they were wrong on serious issues so will create a fantasy in their minds that they believe is truth, and close off all discussion and reasoning with others. It's how conspiracy theories spread and why racism and other forms of hatred are so hard to beat.

Only today, a Tory MP criticised labour for having a "woke agenda". This really is how these things start - criticising people that stand for equality and freedom for all, and making out that such opinions are not worthy of "real" politics etc.

I suspect it is all built deep into our DNA, a form of survival. We are just animals at the end of the day.
Years of propaganda making hatred, racism, xenophobia, homophobia all seem normal. People don't realise they've been brainwashed by the state over decades and decades.

Some people just can't admit they were wrong on serious issues so will create a fantasy in their minds that they believe is truth, and close off all discussion and reasoning with others. It's how conspiracy theories spread and why racism and other forms of hatred are so hard to beat.

Only today, a Tory MP criticised labour for having a "woke agenda". This really is how these things start - criticising people that stand for equality and freedom for all, and making out that such opinions are not worthy of "real" politics etc.

I suspect it is all built deep into our DNA, a form of survival. We are just animals at the end of the day.
I don't disagree, however I would be interested to watch this with some of them to hear their thoughts when viewing first hand accounts from people who were actually there in one capacity or another. I'd be genuinely interested as to how they'd try to explain it all away.
Still going on in the world today

there was a doc on the radio on Tuesday about those who tortured people in the Assad regime

some of em fell out with Assad and sort sanctuary in Germany

fair play to the Germans they sussed em out and put em on trial

some of the methods of torture they used was horrific

they should have all been bumped off after the guilty verdicts
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No doubt, like any conspiracy theorist, they would have an answer. However that answer would indirectly mean all of the people featured in the piece were lying, which in itself denies the reality they lived through.

I watched it and there were deniers and some who seemed very honest, who were visibly disgusted with their own part in it. One guy in particular (at the meeting) seemed to be arguing against modern day Nazis, that what he had done was very wrong. Too be fair, what could those individual females have done to stop it?

On a school trip to Germany in the 1960, I am ashamed to say the group of young English lads I was with, picked on a lone elderly German male, out in the countryside - they were ranting, Hitler saluting, goose stepping etc.. The poor German guy looked absolutely terrified, but what can one right minded individual in a group do?

Years of propaganda making hatred, racism, xenophobia, homophobia all seem normal. People don't realise they've been brainwashed by the state over decades and decades.

Very much so, I can imagine it would be even easier today, than back then. All it needs is a massive sense of country wide injustice and someone to lead the masses. I mean (hate to stir the anti-vaxxers up again, but) look at how the nutters are rampaging around cities, schools and even hospitals, trying to dissuade people and kids from having the jab, claiming all sorts of ills will befall anyone who has it, forcing people out of hospital beds against their will.
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Only today, a Tory MP criticised labour for having a "woke agenda". This really is how these things start - criticising people that stand for equality and freedom for all, and making out that such opinions are not worthy of "real" politics etc.

Yes, if Walt Disney hadn't released Snow White and the seven dwarfs in 1937 we would probably have averted WW11, it's how these things start.
I have never really worked out these Holocaust deniers tbh
One of the most documented episodes in recent history
there all fruit cakes imo

but hey ho who cares if they are deniers does it really matter ????
I have never really worked out these Holocaust deniers tbh
One of the most documented episodes in recent history
there all fruit cakes imo

There will always be those whom you cannot convince, no matter how solid and convincing the evidence. There are covid deniers in this very forum - how much evidence, how reliable and how convincing does it need to be?
Blimey there are thousands of fruit
Cakes in the states who think that the Democratic Party have been taken over by a cukt of paedophile
Satanists headed by the Clinton’s


Jeez us wept :ROFLMAO:
I suspect it is all built deep into our DNA, a form of survival. We are just animals at the end of the day.
Very true JP_, but animals with a brain (that is supposed to provide us with intelligence), a will, a moral code. (well some of us).
People who deny atrocities...those who pooh-pooh the Yellow Card vaccine adverse reaction figures.
There was a long thread years ago with joe90. He denied the holocaust. No matter what evidence you put to him he would come up with some excuse. When you disproved his excuse he would just come up with another and another and so on. All just bonkers nonsense. Eventually he would do a full rotation and end up back where you started. Pointless discussion. No amount of evidence and proof had any effect on him. In reality he wasn’t in the slightest bit interested in discussion. He had his ideas, gleaned from conspiracy websites, and that was it.

Funnily enough, I can think of some more recent parallels. You know who you are.
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