People who only believe lies.

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7 Jul 2010
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What can be done about them? How do they manage?

Didn't there used to be a game show where the contestant would ask questions and be answered by a team telling only lies?

Then having to work out the true situation.

Like people on here - apart from the working out the truth part.


Trump said this week that he is building the (anti-immigrant) wall in Colorado.
So, if some dumbo believes that, what happens in their mind and how do they get through life?
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So, if some dumbo believes that, what happens in their mind and how do they get through life?
If an insight is sought for such a cultish behaviour, ask a quitter...

You won't get very far though :rolleyes:
I rather wonder if this shift in politics in the UK is worse than Brexit.
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Cheer up lads we're having an election, you'll have the chance to lose all over again and have even more to moan about. I bet you can't wait.
What can be done about them? How do they manage?

Didn't there used to be a game show where the contestant would ask questions and be answered by a team telling only lies?

Then having to work out the true situation.

Like people on here - apart from the working out the truth part.


Trump said this week that he is building the (anti-immigrant) wall in Colorado.
So, if some dumbo believes that, what happens in their mind and how do they get through life?
The properly naive people are those that think only certain politicians lie!!!!!
This is where you go wrong.

Only politicians who are not telling the truth are lying.

If you don't know or can't tell which is which you will be lost, as you are.
This is where you go wrong.

Only politicians who are not telling the truth are lying.

If you don't know or can't tell which is which you will be lost, as you are.

So how do you pick the lies out from the truth?
I rather wonder if this shift in politics in the UK is worse than Brexit.
A very valid concern...

And if we allow ourselves to be further integrated to the 'american social/economic model' on the back of brexit, then UK PLC is effectively screwed...

Unless of course you belong to the 1% !
Dominic Grieve voted in favour of the article 50 motion - liar

I guess you dont understand the meaning of the word 'liar'.

Have you considered buying a dictionary, even a little pocket version probably has that word.
I guess you dont understand the meaning of the word 'liar'.

Have you considered buying a dictionary, even a little pocket version probably has that word.

and both stood for election under a manifesto promising to deliver Brexit - liars.
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