Short story.
Next door neighbour has long rear garden and applied to build seperate 2 bed bungalow in the rear garden.
4 neighbours and Parish council have submitted comments of objection.
I'm an immediate neighbour and wrote don't have objection to new dwelling in principle, but object to location within plot.
To date, neighbour has not come indicating his planned ideas or offerred communications.
It's going to a planning committee on 16th and received letter from planning stating that even based on comments received, the officer recommends "to Permit subject to Planning Obligations"
Can someone advise what this means.
I don't have time to take off work to attend and speak at committee
Thanks in advance
Next door neighbour has long rear garden and applied to build seperate 2 bed bungalow in the rear garden.
4 neighbours and Parish council have submitted comments of objection.
I'm an immediate neighbour and wrote don't have objection to new dwelling in principle, but object to location within plot.
To date, neighbour has not come indicating his planned ideas or offerred communications.
It's going to a planning committee on 16th and received letter from planning stating that even based on comments received, the officer recommends "to Permit subject to Planning Obligations"
Can someone advise what this means.
I don't have time to take off work to attend and speak at committee
Thanks in advance