Not a question as such, other than checking my interpretation is correct because I might do something similar if so, and it is a Friday afternoon after all 
A house a mile away from me have had a planning application granted and as a condition had their PD rights removed. They've now just applied for a LDC for a small number of developments that fall within PD. The upshot is that they can have both as long as they implement the PD items first. Brilliant!
Does the site benefit from permitted development rights: Y
(Permitted development rights were removed by planning permission 16/01910, but this permission has not been implemented yet)
The Parish Council made the following comment: The Parish Council would draw attention to the fact that PDR was removed – would certificate of lawfulness have an impact on the planning application (16/01910)?
Officer comment – the certificate works would have to be carried out before the planning application was implemented. If the planning application is implemented first, then the certificate of lawfulness could not be implemented.
The proposal is automatically granted planning permission under Article 3 and Schedule 2, Part 1, Classes A, B and E of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, subject to the conditions specified in those Classes and an express grant of planning permission is not required.
Grant Certificate of Lawfulness.
1 Note - Planning permission 16/01910/FULL withdrew permitted development rights, so this certificate could not be implemented after the planning permission has been implemented.
A house a mile away from me have had a planning application granted and as a condition had their PD rights removed. They've now just applied for a LDC for a small number of developments that fall within PD. The upshot is that they can have both as long as they implement the PD items first. Brilliant!
Does the site benefit from permitted development rights: Y
(Permitted development rights were removed by planning permission 16/01910, but this permission has not been implemented yet)
The Parish Council made the following comment: The Parish Council would draw attention to the fact that PDR was removed – would certificate of lawfulness have an impact on the planning application (16/01910)?
Officer comment – the certificate works would have to be carried out before the planning application was implemented. If the planning application is implemented first, then the certificate of lawfulness could not be implemented.
The proposal is automatically granted planning permission under Article 3 and Schedule 2, Part 1, Classes A, B and E of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, subject to the conditions specified in those Classes and an express grant of planning permission is not required.
Grant Certificate of Lawfulness.
1 Note - Planning permission 16/01910/FULL withdrew permitted development rights, so this certificate could not be implemented after the planning permission has been implemented.