peugot partner 16hdi

16 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
Hoping to buy the above vehicle 2007 but the turbo is not working, i believe the seals are u.s.,what are the pitfalls i should be looking out for?, i have read, find out what caused the failure to start with and repair that first, does that apply even though the seals are blown?
Never dealt with turbos before so would appreciate a little help here,have done mechanicing many moons ago but lost track of things thank you very much......
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Think very carefully about this one.....there has been so many incidents with turbo issues it just isn't true.
The turbos fail due to lubrication issues, and then fail again, often enough.
If you do go ahead, the sump has to be dropped off for cleaning and the turbo oil feed pipe has to be renewed too - as well as a brand new turbocharger.
John :)
Thanks John, my brother had a turbo rebuilt from some place in blackpool, would a rebuilt one not do? would the turbo oil feed pipe cause the problem , what about the oil pump, does that feed the turbo also? I don't mind the work John, just need to get it right first time, can't afford to do it twice, thanks for your help.
There is a filter in the turbo oil feed pipe, remove it before you put it back together as if the oil gets sludgy it clogs the filter. Once you have repaired it change the oil as least twice as often as they recommend.

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Rebuilt turbos are fine....I've used a firm called Turbotechnics in the past but there are quite a few others.
Rebuild kits are available, but I wouldn't do this myself as the balancing has to be critical.
John :)
It seems like this DV6 is getting a bad press and it's not all the motors fault.....there's no excuse for incorrect oil or an ignored change interval, never mind not being bothered to drain the old stuff away!
It wouldn't stop me buying a vehicle with this lump, so long as I knew the history - if such a thing is possible.
John :)
The old story John. Any sort of high performance engine needs the right lube and plenty of changes. Motorbike engines come to mind.
Indeed they do, Dave.....mind you, my Honda 1200 shouldn't have fully synthetic oil - but it's meant to be changed every 8k which sounds ridiculous as it can rev to 12000 rpm :eek:
Still has a 3 year warranty though!
John :)
If it's in warranty, and been serviced I wouldn't worry. :)
I'm way out of touch with bike engines, but liquid cooling is kinder to the oil. I always reckoned that shared engine / gearbox oil (if it is) had a harder life though. If it was mine I'd probably do the oil more often than the recommended if I was keeping it after the warranty.
Usually the engine and transmission oil is the same.....I do mine at 4000 miles, which is all I do per year anyway. It comes out as clean looking as it goes in - but I use a genuine filter though.
John :)
I reckon that's what I'd do. I usually used to go somewhere around half. I remember a car driver mate of mine seeing me changing the oil on the 400 four I had and saying it didn't need changing. The engine would be sweeter after though. IIRC I used to change the oil at 1000 on that instead of (possibly) 1500, and do the filter every other time.
Just a deviation from this one.....we all know that it's good for a turbo to run down, just to cool it and keep it supplied with oil as it does so. A few minutes is recommended, ideally.
So, my car is fitted with an auto stop facility, which nicely knocks that one on the head :eek:
John :)
Shouldn't be a problem on a diesel, turbo runs at a much lower temperature than a petrol one, failure is purely a lubrication problem.

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