Hi, got chance of a cheap van as above, 80,000 miles, 56 plate, but the van won't drive above 30 mph ? that's all the info i have, any ideas? thanks...
Thanks for your reply John, hoping you would show your face, i have a 1600 myself which when bought had a bad turbo but did 50 on the mway,got the turbo at the right price and fitted it myself...
If it wasn't the turbo... what's your next thoughts ? cheers...can handle a bad turbo....obviously got to think of the cause of a turbo failure....the mesh in the feed pipe for starters..
The main causes are turbo failure - as you'd expect - and that also includes turbo air pipe disconnection, blocked intercooler or even the EGR valve being stuck fully open.
So, it can be a bit of a minefield but its not that bad to change the turbo, which you've done. I'd also be inclined to drop the sump though (no gasket here) just to see what has dumped out in the bottom, and also to clean the oil pump strainer.
Presumably the engine management lamp is on?
I also meant to say, the high pressure fuel pump - that pressurises the common rail - will also cause the limp home mode if the pressure is low.
Has the seller any comments?