Its all moved here...I mean crap..not the pigeons.
When I was at Trafalgar square (London, for you country folk), I had a thought where it had all gone..I know now..
Bloke I used to know had a plastic hawk on a string hanging from an extended shepherds crook in his back garden.
Never had any problems with birds or cats as it swung in the breeze.
I think the idea is to keep the pigeons away from their nest as they breeds all the year round and it's my company with the health and safely regarding their droppings is the most dangerous
Pigeon Poop is Dangerous
Most people agree that bird droppings are an eyesore but they would be horrified to find out just how accurate the headline is.
Ocular histoplasmosis, a fungal infection that eats away at the eyeball is just one of over sixty diseases that birds can transfer to humans. Their droppings are often the vehicle for transmission as they dry out, turn to dust, become airborne, and are absorbed by the mucus membranes of unknowing victims.